Case Study: Dome Staining on Beer Cans at a Brewery | WMC Water

The Problem: 

A brewer was experiencing dome staining on their beer cans, leading to customer complaints and potential damage to the brand's reputation. Our team was brought in to identify the root cause and implement an effective prevention strategy to maintain product quality and customer satisfaction.

stains on beer cans

The Challenge:

Eliminate dome staining on beer cans to:

  • Improve the aesthetic quality of the cans.
  • Reduce and prevent customer complaints and enhance satisfaction.
  • Protect the brand's reputation.
  • Avoid increased operational costs due to recalls, re-cleaning, or re-packaging.

Factors Contributing to Dome Staining:

  1. pH values: Low or high pH levels in the pasteurizer's hot zones can accelerate metal corrosion, leading to metal oxides/corrosion products.
  2. Temperature: High temperatures in the pasteurizer can speed up chemical reactions and corrosion, causing faster formation of corrosion products that stain cans.
  3. Corrosion: Influenced by both pH and temperature, it results in widespread deposits on cans.
  4. Chemical Treatment: Proper use of chemical inhibitors and cleaners prevents residue buildup that contributes to corrosion and staining. Incorrect dosages can impact pH levels and exacerbate issues.
  5. Pasteurizer Operations: Improper maintenance and operation can worsen staining problems through high temperatures, incorrect pH levels, and poor water quality.

The Game Plan:

To tackle dome staining, the following strategies were implemented:

  1. pH Control: Maintain pH within the optimal range (6.5 to 7.5) to minimize corrosion.
  2. Temperature Management: Ensure stable and controlled temperatures to reduce corrosion rates and avoid sudden changes.
  3. Corrosion Inhibition: Use compatible corrosion inhibitors to form a protective film on metal surfaces and stabilize the water chemistry.
  4. Enhanced Cleaning Procedures: Implement rigorous cleaning protocols and regular maintenance.
  5. Appropriate Chemical Usage: Select cleaning agents compatible with aluminum cans and follow manufacturer guidelines.
  6. Pasteurizer Maintenance and Monitoring: Regular inspections and maintenance of the pasteurizer, monitoring pH levels, temperatures, and water quality.

The Outcome:

Implementing these strategies led to significant improvements:

  • Reduction in Dome Staining: Incidence reduced by 90%, enhancing the cans' aesthetic quality.
  • Customer Complaints: Decreased by 75% regarding stained cans.
  • Brand Reputation: Improved product quality and reduced complaints, protected and enhanced the brand's market reputation.
  • Downtime Prevention: Regular maintenance and monitoring prevented unexpected downtime, saving an estimated 100 production hours annually.

By addressing root causes and implementing targeted prevention strategies, the brewery effectively minimized dome staining, maintained product quality, and ensured customer satisfaction. Regular monitoring, proper maintenance, and adherence to best practices were essential in achieving these goals.

Pasteurizer Can Staining Colour Guide

beer can stains samples

Do you have a product quality issue? Contact us today to create an effective prevention strategy.

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